Full Stack Web Developer | Doctor | Aspiring Data Scientist
Find Out MoreI am a full-stack web developer with a medical background. I enjoy working with Ruby on Rails, Node, Express on the back-end; React, JavaScript, CSS/Sass, jQuery on the front-end; and have experience deploying on AWS and Heroku. I am interested in enhancing existing systems by integrating disruptive technologies and concepts in intuitive, minimalist and non-intrusive ways. Currently open to opportunities.
Download ResumeReact, JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML5 and CSS. Server-side rendering with EJS and Action View.
Experience with Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Express.js and building RESTful APIs.
PostgreSQL, MySQL, Git, Gulp, Sass, Webpack. Deploying to Heroku and AWS.
Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada with clinical and research experience.